Events for February 2025

Get Medical Marijuana Doctors Appointment

First time cannabis patient forms and documents


Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive an email and text message with links to our intake paperwork!


We also recommend providing the following documentation to help expedite your certification:

  • Documentation of last two Doctor’s visits for your condition

What to expect during your first visit?

Making the decision to become a medical cannabis patient can bring about a lot of questions. At Iona Cannabis Clinic Bonita Springs we go the extra mile to make each patient’s experience a good one. Once you have scheduled your appointment, downloaded and filled out your forms, you will be making your first visit in no time. Upon arrival, our knowledgeable staff will greet you and make sure all your paperwork has been filled out.

After we check you in, it’s time for your private orientation session. Even existing patients learn more than they thought through this series of videos we created to help educate and guide our patients to obtain the right medical cannabis treatment plan.

It’s time to see the Doctor

After your orientation, it’s time to see Dr. Sonn, your Local Home Grown Medical Cannabis Physician. During your one-on-one appointment, Dr. Sonn will go over any questions you have regarding medical marijuana. In most cases, he will also be able to determine your medical cannabis certification status on site. If you qualify then he will cover the best products and treatment plans for your condition, and submit your information to the Medical Marijuana Use Registry to get you started.

You Won’t Leave Empty Handed

Think of Iona Cannabis Clinic as your medical cannabis compass, helping patients navigate through the process of obtaining your own medical cannabis card. Before you leave your first appointment, we will provide you with our Iona Cannabis Clinic New Patient Guide. This guide covers the next steps you will have to take to get your medical cannabis card after you leave our office.

  • How to Complete Your Compassionate Use Registry ID Card Application
  • Best Practices for Taking and Submitting Your Passport Style Photo
  • How to Check the Status of Your Card
  • How to Order Your Medical Cannabis Products

Follow-Ups & Reminders

Life can be hectic and things can get lost in the shuffle. Don’t worry, even when you’re not visiting the office, we are still thinking of you. You will receive email reminders to help push you to the finish line of getting you card. Did you get your photo yet? Your Patient ID #?

We will also send reminders when it is time to renew your medical cannabis card, as well as when your mandatory follow-up appointment is.

New Medical Marijuana Patient Checklist

Before You Can Order Medical Marijuana:

  • Must be a Florida Resident or Seasonal Resident.
  • Are you currently a qualified patient on the Medical Marijuana Use Registry?
  • Do you know your Patient ID# or P#?
  • Have you submitted your completed application to the Office of Medical Marijuana Use?
  • Have you received your Registry ID card in the mail yet?
  • Have you  been issued your prescription by Dr. Sonn?

Medical Marijuana Resources

Below are some additional resources to help our Iona Cannabis Clinic Bonita Springs Patients

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